My passion in life has always been flying. My earliest memory, at the age of four, is sitting in a helicopter at my uncle’s change of command (a formal military ceremony) thinking, "This is the coolest thing I have ever seen!" However, my obsession truly started while I listened to my Grandpa’s riveting stories of flying in the Pacific Theater during World War II.
Todd Guison
Aircrafts Flown
Schweizer (300C)
Blackhawk (UH60A&M)
Lakota (LUH72)
Kiowa (OH58)
Robinsons (R44)
Jet Ranger (B206)
(of course) Guimbal's Cabri G2
Bachelors in Aeronautical Science
Type rating S70
Part 133 (External Loads)
Army aviator badge
Army HAMETS Training
Army safe flying award
About the Pilot
I received my private license as a teenager. Starting as early as 2010, I have had extensive, hands-on, experience as a Certified Rotor Flight Instructor (CFI). Initially, I taught helicopter students with Canyon State Aero. In 2014, I commissioned in the Army as an active-duty Aviation officer. During my first four years in the Army, I was directly responsible for 5 Blackhawk helicopters and their crews. I was also in charge of coordinating maintenance efforts, as well as, conducting Flight trainings, ensuring Soldier welfare, and the HR requirements of the crews. I’ve spent the last four years working with national agencies, international agencies, and militaries to coordinate aviation efforts domestically and across 3 continents.
After an honorable discharge from active Army Aviation service, I’ve decided to pursue my dream of teaching others, so that they can share in my passion. I look forward to sharing the joy I have felt since I was a toddler and the skills I've learned while flying military helicopters.